Chichester NY

Master Speaking Spanish Fast!

Chichester New York Spanish classes

Our use of visual aids assists the student to retain the Spanish lesson and makes the class more interesting. Clear explanations of basic grammar are followed by exercises to establish the language patterns and structures in the mind of the student. To learn Spanish easily, simple dialogues are employed for everyday situations found in a Spanish speaking nation. You will learn to speak Spanish in situations such as meeting people, clothing and accessories, going to the super market and going to the doctor. You will also learn useful expressions, folkloric songs, and much more!

Our Chichester Spanish Classes Teach:

Advances vocabulary plus proficiency

Improves your speaking Spanish skills

-Learn to read short stories

-Practice everyday dialogues and dialects

Who we Teach:

  • All ages: 4 – 104 yrs old.

  • All skillsets: Novice through Professional .

    We Can Teach at Your Home:

    Chichester New York Spanish classes

    At any of our classrooms or at your home in/or near Chichester.

    We also offer classes at any home within 20 mins of Chichester NY.

    What you Need:

  • A tablet or paper (for all Spanish classes), pen and or pencil.

  • Everything else will be supplied by your coach.

    Chichester’s Best Spanish Classes

    [googlemaps addr=’Chichester NY’ zoom=’10’ width=’250′ height=’250′]

    Chichester Testimonials

    Chichester New York Spanish classes

    ”I have gone to Chichester Spanish classes at the Spanish Language Center for a twelve months now. I am particularly impressed with my teacher’s (Lourdes) expertise of English grammar . Her method is very clear. She makes learning fun and easy. “
    -Ron in Chichester. NY

    ”What a wonderful institute that truly made a difference in people lives teaching people . I had a fantastic time attending classes , the teachers were great and was always caring and making sure the teaching was understood .”
    C. Campo, in Chichester. NY

    “During my 5 months stay in Chichester last fall I discovered Step into Spanish Classes a unique place to study Spanish and enjoy the numerous cultural events and above all the possibility of meeting people not only with Latin American background an unforgettable experience. For me as a foreign visitor the Step into Spanish Classes represents a multi cultural platform that successfully links diverse communities and as not such is usually found in Chichester. “
    E. Timmerer, NY

    ”Both our kids studied in Step into Spanish Classes, and they have a fantastic program for physicians beginning their residencies in largely Hispanic neighborhoods. It is an vital resource for Chichester. “
    J. Curtis, Chichester, NY

    ”Step into Spanish Classes is wonderful community center which thrives on the diversity of the people it serves. At Step into Spanish Classes I met world class musicians, medical professionals, accountants, actors, writers- even a Rockette! The center is much more than the wonderful language ”
    -Shawn Mortimore

    Request More Information on Classes in Chichester, New York

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